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目的ひとつ : 全外国投資家(特に ヨーロッパ投資家)一人一人価値観を理解し、日本株式市場についてプロフェッショナルな知識




We have established ourselves on the background of 15 years in depth experience advising European institutional investors on the Tokyo stock exchange. We are dedicated to providing advisory services to European  private investors willing to take advantage of the revival of the Japanese financial markets.
We maintain our view that the Japanese stock market has entered a structural long term bull market which could last for the next 10 years.  We are firmly convinced that there are numerous attractive areas of investment. This is based on our belief that domestic individuals and mutual funds will become furthermore major players in the market from this year and domestic pension fund money will increase their equity exposure. Daily traded volume on the Tokyo stock exchange is already larger than those registered during the late eighties. Opportunities to invest in the 'New Japan' era are plenty although such a complex market requires specific expertise of the domestic actors, especially Japanese individuals and institutions behaviour.

Pascal Jeannenot (パスカル ジャネノ)196012月フランス生まれ.1987パリ 東洋語大学程度学佼 日本語通 (Paris VII INALCO) ,名古屋国立大学を卒業後、ソシエテ・ジェネラル(Société Générale Equities & Derivatives) に入社. 資本市場グル-プで日本株営業部の設それとも管理.19969月からロンドンUFJつばさ証券 ヨーロッパ日本株セールスマネージャー、フランスともヨーロッパ 年金や金融機関投資家(銀行,生損保等金融)に日本株営業責任.20021月から2003年までJefferies International Ltd日本小型エクイティリサーチプロジェクト開発 担当.2003年から現在に至るjaponinvestissementの代表としてヨーロッパ機関、個人投資家にアドヴァイゾリ・サービスを提供いたします.

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